Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yeah, I'm back!

Ok, so obviously I have really let the blog die, and I am sorry about that, but I feel like I should post, so I am posting.

I am taking animation this quarter, and it is amazing to me just how connected to gender it is. This whole Pygmalion fantasy, or creating a living being without natural reproduction certainly complicates women's connections to the media.

On the other hand, there are some sickly amazing female animated characters! First and foremost, I have to point out how amazing Betty Boop is- I am currently obsessed with her, especially the Cab Calloway cartoons. I know we talked about this like a month ago, but I think I have watched the Snow White cartoon like 50 times since then.

Also, have you ever seen the Quay bros films? Streets of Crocodiles came out the year I was born, but I had never heard about them until this class. This animation really rides a lot of gender lines, but the longer I look at them, the more I can see that there is gendered stuff going on there. On the other hand, they have like no interiority, so I am not sure we can grant them any sort of really sophisticated status for our purposes.

Ok, that is about all I have seen lately, unless you want to hear my musings on Glee or Housewives of New Jersey, or hear about how much I hate Lost. Most of my viewing is television, which you no longer watch at all, so I feel like we have a problem meeting in the middle. Look at me! I posted! Be impressed!

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